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发信人:张玲 内容:1.邀请Jane暑假期间到北京来度假 2.陪同她游览长城、故宫、颐和园等 3.请回信告知是否能来 写信日期:2012年6月25日 Letter2 回信人:Jane 内容:1.感谢并接受张玲的邀请 2.决定7月初来北京 回信日期:2012年6月30日 根据所给的情景写一封电子邮件,包括以下内容 :1.澳大利亚女孩Maria给生活在意大利的朋友She lly写信,告诉她正在拟去欧洲的旅行安排,并希 望到意大利看望Shelly.2.行程安排:乘飞机到伦敦,看望从未见到过的 表妹(cousin),然后买火车票开始为期一个月的 欧洲大陆旅行.但是还没有决定要旅游的确切城 市,希望Shelly能够给她推荐值得 旅游的城市.3.盼望着Shelly的回信.
Dear Jane,
The summer vacation is drawing near.How do you plan to spend it?Do you have any more important program to arrange and how about coming to Beijing for your travel?If you are so kind as to take up my invitation and go on a date with me,It would be a pleasure for me and my friend to show you around the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.
I am looking forward to your reply soon.
The warmest regards!
Zhang Ling
Reply for the invitation
July 25,2003
Dear Zhang,
Your kind letter from Beijing arrived me today inst.I have the pleasure to tell you how I am excited when I have got your invitation to pay a visit to The Great Wall and the Summer Palace,which I have been longing for.I am leaving for Beijing in the early July.Before starting,I will write to the exact date.
Thank you once again for your warm letter.
The highest regards!