早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


为此,他们发起了题为:“How to keep fit”的征文,分析现状并提出你的个人看法与意见.
According to research done by the 21st century newspaper on middle school students, many of these students have worrying health conditions.
Many of them prefer to lay on the table while doing their homework, and this can deal a detrimental blow to their eyesight, and posture problems. This is further aggravated by their lack of exercise. I feel that students should set aside some time every few days, to go out and exercise. Also, they should always be conscious of their posture and try to sit upright, to prevent anymore visual and spinal damage.
Another problem would be their nutrition. Given their busy schedules and early school starting times, they often skip breakfast. This, in the long run, can cause serious illnesses, as scientists have branded Breakfasts as the most important meals of the day. Students are also very picky with their food, and tend to eat more junk food and less vegetables. This not only causes an imbalance in nutrition, but also a lack of important vitamins and minerals needed to aid their growth in puberty. This leads to obesity in many cases, and will also damage their delicate body systems.
对不起,写到这里已经192 字了,只有两点,还要在跟我说吧!^_^