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  Making small talk doesn’t have to be painful even if it’s with a boss! Believe it or not it can be fun 83 Making small talk is also an art that can be learned    

    Here’s how to enjoy making small talk

   Keep up with current events Make small talk about the news sports weather or politics of course the politics will make men happy but you should be careful about what to choose

  Make a talk on a piece of clothing or accessory 小装饰品 Ask where it came from how much it cost just kidding

  Share an anecdote 趣闻轶事 about your day Did you lose your keys or find$10? Maybe you ate at a new restaurant recently or found a great new CD Making small talk is about sharing the little things

    Ask what movies or books they’ve seen or read recently Someone once asked me that at a party we had a fantastic conversation about the book I was reading! Making small talk is about trying new conversations

    Talk about TV Share your favorite TV shows-They are interesting to discuss! Making small talk about pop culture is easy and fun

    Relax Enjoy yourself People are interesting !

84 If you use these tips for making small talk you'll be relaxed

    A .根据短文内容简要回答问题。

81 Which tip do you often use when you make small talk with others?


82 Can we talk about all politics when we make small talk with others?


      B .将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。

83 _______________________________________________________________________

84 ______________________________________________________________________

    C .请给短文拟一个适当的标题。

85 ______________________________________________________________________


81 . Keep up with current events ./ Make a talk on a piece of clothing or accessory ./ Share an anecdote ./ Ask what movies or books they’ve seen or read recently ./ Talk about  TV ./ Relax , enjoy yourself .

82 . No 。 we can’t .

83 .闲聊也是 一门 我们能够学习的艺术。

84 .如果你使用这些提示来闲聊,你就会很放松。

85 . How to Enjoy Making Small Talk?
/ How to Make Small Talk? / Some Tips for Making Small Talk