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中文意思是“我确信你是处理这件事最合适的人”.如果一定要用be sure of ,怎么处理?i am sure of the
中文意思是“我确信你是处理这件事最合适的人”.如果一定要用be sure of ,怎么处理?
i am sure of the most suitable person that deal with the thing is you
i am sure of the most suitable person is you whom deal with the thing.
i am sure of the most suitable person is you with that deal the thing.
i am sure of you ,are the most suitable person who deal with the thing.
i am sure of the most suitable person is to you ,who deal with the thing.
i am sure of dealing with the thing is to you,and you are the most suitable person.
你的句子在语法上都有问题.英语嘛,有它的规律,有时候并非语法正确就能得到英语民族的共鸣.如果一定要用be sure of ,句子是:
I am sure of the fact that you are the right person to handle the case / the thing.
I am sure that you are the right person for the thing / the case.