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求一篇英语初一阅读题原文下面有文中的句子 ...是填空
Debbie got up early last Saturday morning.she wanted ...in greed park with some of her feiends.
Debbie got up early last Saturday morning.She wanted (1)_____ in Green Park with some of her friends.She was very happy about it.
(2)_______ she was ready,she got on her bike and left for the park on the other side of the town.Suddenly,as she was riding fast,she (3)_______ sirens(警笛).The sound if the sirens was getting (4)______,so Debbie looked (5)______ her to see what was happening.As a result,she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the road.Luckily,Debbie wasn't hurt,(6)______ a car hit her bike.After the car (7)______,two men got out and started running.(8)_____,a police car stopped next to the same car and three policemen got out and started running after the two men.One of the policemen shouted,“Stop the thieves!”
(9)______ a policeman came to see Debbie.He thanked her because,in a way,she had helped them (10)_______.
( )1.A.goes to skate B.go skating
C.going to skate D.to go skating
( )2.A.While B.As soon as C.If D.As quickly as
( )3.A.heard B.listened to C.found D.saw
( )4.A.close and close B.closer and closer
C.big and big D.bigger and bigger
( )5.A.after B.in front of C.behind D.before
( )6.A.because B.so C.but D.and
( )7.A.fell over B.passed away C.turned back D.stopped
( )8.A.A few minutes later B.Just then
C.After an hour D.Very fast
( )9.A.In a few days B.Sometimes
C.Some time later D.At the same time
( )10.A.get out of B.run after the two men
C.catch the thieves D.shout at the thieves
1.D.want to do something表示“想要做某事”.
2.B.这里所指的是时间,while 多与进行时态连用,所以用as soon as 最佳.
4.B.表示声音大应该用loud,所以这里用closer and closer 表示”声音越来越近”.
8.B.这里的动作是前后相连的,因此用just then最合理.
9.C.“a policeman came to see Debbie”发生在贼被抓之后.
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