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请大家帮我写份“i hope”演讲稿,
请大家帮我写份“i hope”演讲稿,(可以用英文,也可以是中文,如果是中文我可以自己翻译),390-600字左右(中文),好的加100,(还可以给别的),请大家不要上网找,可以是自己写过的!
I hope the world will be best
Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!
I hope the world will be beautiful and peaceful.And everyone will be happy.Each country will become properous.There would be no war and no desaster.I hope everyone will be respected.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there wouldn’ be less pollution?Blue sky and white clouds.The birds fly in the sky.How nice the life is!The environment will be clean and tidy.I hope everyone will enjoy it.
Hope is the one we have been waiting for,hope is everything to us.
Hope helps us to survive.Furthermore,what matters most is that we should make every effort to go with the hope and accomplish our dreams with hope.If you are walking down the path heading your aim and you are willing to keep walking,you should always take a hope,stick to it.For example,environment is the hope of nature and human beings,environmental protection will be the best and the most siginificant actions to guard hope!
In a word,starting today,let us seek the hope,use our blood,sweat and tears to set off hopes.
So let’s strive.The world will be better.
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