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What hurt most was that Haley didn’t picture me playing with her.I would try sometimes.I’d sit down at the tea party,but soon my mind would be running to all the things I had to get done—laundry,e-mails,dinner,work.I guess I just wasn’t very imaginative.And no wonder.I lived in the real world 24/7.We read books together at night and I always admired her artwork,but as the latest batch showed,I wasn’t in any of the pictures with her,as though I just did the chores,making the peanut-butter sandwiches and serving as chauffeur,yet never really connecting.
一天24小时 一周7天 24/7 一天24小时 一周7天 就是说 他那句话的意思是我
总是生活在真正的世界中 或我每一天 每一小时 都生活在真正的世界里