早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





1.What would the boy like to drink?



C.Drink and milk.

2.When does the boy get up on Sundays?

A.At six

B.Later than six

C.Earlier than six.

3.Who has short hair?

A.Daniel's friend


C.Daniel and his friend

4.Why doesn't the boy's brother have good eyesight?

A.Work on the computer too much

B.Play computer game too much.

C.Watch TV too much.

5.Who is the fastest swimmer?



C.Both of them.

6.How old is the boy now?




7.What does Sandy think?

A.She thinks English is as interesting as Chinese.

B.She thinks Chinese is more interesting than English.

C.She thinks Chinese is not as interesting as English.

8.Who studies the most subjects?




9.How many did Simon score?




10.Who is the girl with short hair?




11.When was Jim born?

A.In 1992.

B.In 1991.

C.In 1993.

12.Will his friend go to the zoo tomorrow?

A.Yes she will.

B.No she won't.

C.No she isn't.

13.What are they talking about?

A.They are talking about how to be healthy.

B.They are talking about how to study English.

C.They are talking about an interesting movie.



14.Why will the man go to the USA?

A.To visit some cities.

B.To have a rest.

C.To study English.

15.How long will the man stay in the USA?

A.About two years.

B.About two weeks.

C.About two terms.


16.What is Daniel good at?




17.When do they want to practice dancing?

A.On Fridays

B.On Saturdays.

C.On Sundays.


18.Where did Lily go for a trip?




19.What did Lily think of the people there?




20.How did Lily go there?

A.By plane.

B.By bus.

C.By train.


21.Which is the biggest the sun the moon or the earth?

A.The sun.

B.The moon.

C.The earth.

22.How far is it from the earth to the moon?

A.38 000 kilometres

B.3800 000 kilometres

C.380 000 kilometres

23.Can you jump higher on the moon than on the earth?

A.Yes I can.

B.No I can't.

C.Sorry I don't know.

24.What does the moon look like we can see on the earth?


B.A cake

C.An egg

25.How long does it take to get to the moon by spaceship?

A.Over three days

B.More than three hours

C.Less than three days

听力内容   一.1.M:Can I have something to drink?   W:What about some milk?   M:No,thanks.I'd like some tea.   2.W:When do you usually get up in the morning?   M:I usually get up at six.Bat I get up a little later on Sundays.   3.W:What does your friend look like,Daniel?   M:He's tall.He has short hair as I.   4.W:Do you have good eyesight?   M:Yes.but my brothers doesn't.He works on the computer too much.   5.W:Amy is the fastest swimmer of the three.   M:But Simon is faster than her.   6.W:Do you have driving lessons in school?   M:No.I had it last year when I was 16.   7.M:Millie,I think English is as interesting as Chinese.   W:Oh.Sandy,I don't think so.Chinese is more interesting.   8.M:John studies more subjects than Nancy.   W:Yes.But Daniel studies more than John.   9.M:Amy scored 72 and Sandy scored 68.   W:But Simon scored the fewest.   10.W:Betty is my best friend.She has short hair.She is also very helpful.   M:What about Helen?   W:She is very tall and she has long hair just like Mary.   11.W:I was born in July 1992.What about you Jim?   M:Oh I'm one year older than you.   12.M:Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow?   W:That sounds great.But I'm afraid I'll have no time to go with you.   13.W:What do I have to do if I want to keep healthy?   M:It will be better to get up early and do morning exercises.   二.(1)W:I hear you are going to the US   A.Is that true?   M:Yes.I want to go there to study English.   W:How long are you going to stay there?   M:About two years.   W:When are you leaving?   M:Next Tuesday.   (2)M:I can't dance at all.It's difficult for me.Can you dance Kitty?   W:Yes.I can dance but I can't dance very well.   M:That's OK.I can't do it at all.   W:Oh Danel never mind.You can swim very well.   M:Thank you but you must teach me how to dance.   W:No problem.Let's practice every Friday after school.   (3)W:Jeff I went to Shandong with my family during the May Day holiday.   M:Really?How was your trip Lily?   W:It was wonderful.The people there were very friendly.I had a great time there.   M:Did you get there by plane?   W:No we went there by train..   M:Did you visit any places of interest?   W:Yes we visited Mount Tai and Qingdao.   三.Do you know anything about the moon?The moon is smaller than the earth.But the sun is much bigger than the earth.The moon is far from the earth.It is 380 000 kilometres away.On the earth we see that the moon looks like a cake.There is no air on the moon.So on the other side it is very cold.People can jump higher on the moon than on the earth and walk more easily there.It takes more than three days to get to the moon by spaceship.