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雇佣关系存在与否,要看四方面的内容:一是双方有无雇佣合同(口头或者书面的);二是受雇人有无报酬;三是受雇人有无提供劳务;四是受雇人是否受雇佣人监督.其中最重要的是后两项的内容,它决定着事实上雇佣合同的存在与否.”Depend on four aspects in order to judge a employment relationship exist or not,first of all,are there an employment contracts in two parties,the contract includes the oral or written contract.Second,will the employee get any rewards or not .thirdly,the employee has provided the services or not,fourth,will the employee under the employer supervision or not.Among these,the most import is the later two; it determined the existence of real labor.
Depend on four aspects in order to judge a employment relationship exist or not,
How to judge a employment relationship exist or not depends on four aspects.
First of all,is there an employment contract between two parties,no matter it is oral or written.
Second,will the employee get any rewards or not .
Thirdly,the employee has provided the services or not,
Fourth,will the employee under the employer‘s supervision or not.
Among these four factors,the latter two are more important which determines the existence of the employment.
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