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虽然Master Chief是剩下的幸存者中的一个,但是他们中的任何一个人的能力都像整整一只部队.人类的敌人---THE COVENANT.是一个由很多种族组成的一个联盟,他们认为人类侮辱了宇宙,应该被消灭.虽然他们可以打败很多的人类,包括ODST,但是却没有一个人可以打败Master Chief.在这之后,战争进行了很久,但是所有人碰到了共同的敌人---THE FLOOD.尽管战争艰苦,但是人类和少数的COVEMANT组成的联盟控制了FLOOD.但是战争结束之后Master Chief却陷入了另一场战争,请期待11月份的HALO4
Master Chief is one of the survivors,but each one of them are equivalent to a troops in terms of warfare.The enemy of human beings,the convenant,consist of various races.It believes that humans insulated universe,so human should be destroyed.The convenant won many victories,but no one can beat Master Chief.After a long period of war,both the convenant and humans share an enemy,the Flood.A few of the covenmant members and human beings form an alliance,although tough,and they succefully take the control of the Flood.However,peace does not come to Master Chief since he is in anohter world.
What will eventally come to him?To be continued in Nov.HALO4
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