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think that to the number of the days of the struggle for the Graduate is my
happiest time , that time can be described as torture on the body , but it does
spiritual enjoyment .It lasted a full six months , in the summer of 2009 , many students are home
enjoying their happy holidays , I had to go to the library , knuckled down to
study .
the hot weather of July and August very easy to Hunran sleep, but day by day the
accumulation of knowledge made me happiness doubled .Is also in that period of time , that corner , I gain a sincere friendship , I
encountered a group I in for their own dreams and struggles , we encouraged each
other , mutual supervision, we also frequented the north of the school tomato
and egg noodles to eat in the restaurant , while a bottle of Coke .Every day at eight o'clock in the evening , we will be on time in the school
playground , accompanied by lively music , getting ran two laps .Day so simple and repetitive , we do not feel the slightest pressure , on the
contrary , we enjoy the joy of free time !
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