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Taking a panoramic view of today's hot spots in the world economy, the RMB exchange rate issue is one of the major bright spot. China as the world's fastest-growing, the potential of the largest and most dynamic economies in the development of more and more worldwide attention. China since July 21, 2005 China began to implement "based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies, managed floating exchange rate system", the implementation of a new round of the RMB exchange rate reform, RMB appreciation has been in a state of China's foreign trade economy there are many. Through analysis of the RMB revaluation pressure from various sources, an overview of RMB appreciation on China's foreign trade after the positive and negative effects, including help to improve the terms of trade, changes in favor of China's foreign trade structure, conducive to the import of raw materials is not conducive to attracting foreign investment and so on. Governments and enterprises from both China's foreign trade on the RMB revaluation should be put forward reasonable proposals to minimize the exchange rate may be caused by the loss of exchange rate changes and to take full advantage of this trend, actively promote the optimization of China's foreign trade and economic发展.

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在2012年11月10日举行的十八大新闻中心记者招待会上国家发改委主任指出经过十年发展我国经济总量  2020-06-12 …

据英国经济商业研究中心最近公布的年度世界经济排名表显示,世界前三大经济体依次为()A.美国、日本、  2020-06-12 …

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12月11日,中国加入世贸组织▁▁▁周年,不再对比▁▁▁.得益于加入世贸组织的红利,中国已成为全球  2020-06-19 …

阅读材料,回答问题。材料一18世纪中期到19世纪中期,机器的发明引起了欧洲工业生产的革命,使世界从  2020-06-25 …

19世纪末20世纪初美国一跃成为世界第一号资本主义大国.是经济总量还是发展速度?资本主义各国经济发  2020-06-26 …

欧盟15国中的12国使用共同的货币--,欧盟已成为与、riben三足鼎立的世界三大经济中心之一.  2020-07-07 …

英语翻译放20多年来,中国经济重新融入世界经济发展的大潮之中,并取得了举世瞩目的成就.随着我国经济  2020-07-21 …

上海、广(州)深(圳)、北京是我国航空货运的三大中心。对我国航空货运状况叙述不正确的是A.三大货运  2020-07-29 …