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Up 20 years ago,China's economic integration into the world economic development trend,and has achieved remarkable achievement.With China's rapid economic development,comprehensive national strength has been enhanced,the Chinese economy to the world economy growing influence.This also triggered a new round of China's economic rise of the "threat" of China's economic rise in the end bring to the world what China's economy right through the actual operation of the so-depth understanding and careful analysis,we can easily come true objective conclusion :China's economy has maintained steady growth is not only beneficial to China.but for the world economy have a positive impact,China's steady economic growth promotes the growth of the world economy one of the important driving forces.China's sustained and rapid economic development,promoting the prosperity of the world economy.outstanding performance of the Chinese economy and China's current political and economic policies in these two areas of the world economy have a positive impact.China's economic rise has not only to promote the steady growth of the world economy and to prevent recession will play an important role,it will also change the power balance of power in promoting world multi-polarization process,and strengthening the power of the developing countries,so that the developing countries which enjoy international community a greater say.Last year,China has surpassed that of Britain,as the United States,Japan,Germany's fourth-largest economy.By 2010,if China can maintain an annual growth rate of 8.5%.GDP amounted to about 3.2 trillion U.S.dollars to advance into the third in the world,will soon catch up with Japan.will Some people think that the middle of this century,China's nominal GDP than the United States.Will Before China is the world's third largest,in each of the products and services the total import and export value of about 1.4 trillion dollars.Facts have proved that China's integration into the world economic system,not only in strict accordance with international practices and rules.Moreover,the implementation of the policy is to establish a fair,reasonable,equitable and mutually beneficial international economic order.But from China's economic aggregate,the total volume of trade and analyzed in terms of trade surplus,we can see that Currently,China's economy on the world economy is relatively limited impact.China's economy on the world economy is affected more in incremental rather than in stock,not been able to fundamentally affect world economic trends.I believe that with China's healthy economic development,China on the world economy a positive impact will be further expanded.
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