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词汇预约:alien(性质不同的,陌生的) outmoded(过时的,老式的) habitat(生境,栖息地) shunned(避开,回避) bacteria(细菌)vertebrate(脊椎动物,有椎骨的)


A.After habitat destruction the biggest threat to biodiversity is invasion by alien species.

B.More species will mean fewer medicine.

C.At high latitudes entire forest type are expected to disappear to be replaced by new ones.

D.Even if we stop killing species today nobody reading this will see wildlife restored to its former glory.

E.Biodiversity is good for humans.

F.The romantic notion of “wilderness” is fast becoming outmoded.



Scientists found that human activity has displaced the natural habitat over two-thirds of the habitable surface of the planet.Much of the undisturbed land is merely rock ice and blowing sand already shunned by wildlife.


These have arrived mainly through trade tourism and biocontrol invasive plant species already cover 400 000 square kilometers of the US and are spreading at 12 000 square kilometers a year.At that rate the whole of the US will fall to outside species within 750 years.


By destroying it we could bring the axe down on our own heads.Rural communities in more than 60 countries get much of their neat from wild animals.Overpopulation famine and the spread of high-powered weapons are killing off these creatures.


Three-quarters of the top 150 prescription drugs in the US are lab versions of chemicals found plants fungi bacteria and vertebrates.The WHO estimates that more than 60 per cent of the world population relation relies on plants for primary healthcare.There are 3000 plant species used in birth contra lone.


The dent already made in biodiversity will take 10 million years to repair itself.



  1.F 本段说原有的生态环境被改变,还保持原状的地方只剩下岩石、冰川等地。所以应该选F项,“旷野”一词原来的含义正在成为过去。

  2.A 根据最后一句和第一句可知说的是外来物种的入侵。

  3.E 本段说物种多样性有益于人类。

  4.B 本段说物种的减少使药材减少。

  5.D 本段说物种的损害已经造成,要想恢复很难。


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