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求Nwe airport 新机场的开通 作文
新机场开通的好处 1、给人们的出行带来了很大的方便
一些不好的方面 1、机场给当地的居民带来了严重的污染
自己的观点:…… 100个词左右
the New Airport Put into Use.
After several years' constrution,the new airport was put into use yesterday,which is really good news for people,especially those taking a plane for business and holidays.It's true that the new airport can bring great convenience to people,as well as offering large quantities of jobs and promoting the development of the local economy.Hower,it has some shortcomings.FIrstly,as we know,a plane lets out very loud noise while taking off and landing,which causes great noise pollution.Secondly,an airport takes up a vast of land,which can be used for farming.
As far as I am concerned,every coin has two sides,and the new airport is without exception.But it has advantages over its disadvantages and it will benefit us a lot in the coming days.
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