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英语作文3篇1. 王红是个文静害羞的女孩。喜欢穿蓝色的衣服,应为蓝色象征平静和安宁。她穿着蓝色衣服很好看。她有时会感到压抑,应为她总是为一些事情过分担忧。有人建议她穿红色的衣服,应为红色是一种强烈的色彩,它象征着力量它能使她看上去更活泼些。更充满活力些、 2. 现在很多的青少年喜欢吃零食和快餐食品,特别的对kfc最喜欢。但实际上。这些食品吃多了不利于青少年的健康。所以,有很多的人看上去很强壮,但是身体不好,不健康,又缺少锻炼。希望青少年不要吃或少吃不健康的食品,吃健康的食品,吃健康的一日三餐。这样才利于健康的成长 3. sandy想买件新裙子。上个星期天,sandy和妈妈一起去买裙子。妈妈要给她买件红色的裙子,但sandy喜欢蓝色,但是店里没有她穿的尺寸的蓝色的裙子。sandy又试穿叻其他颜色的裙子,但都不满意。最后,店主叫她们下周日来,到时将会有合适sandy穿的裙子
1. Wang Hong is a quiet shy girl. Like to wear blue clothes, blue should be a symbol of calm and tranquility. She was wearing blue clothes look good. She sometimes feel depressed and should be something she is always cause for alarm. It was suggested that she wear red clothes, should be a strong red color, which symbolizes the strength of it makes her look more lively and more. Even more dynamic, 2. Now many young people like to eat snacks and fast foods, in particular on the kfc favorite. But in fact. Eat more of these foods is not conducive to young people's health. Therefore, there are many people who looked very strong, but poor health, unhealthy, and lack of exercise. I hope young people not to eat or eating unhealthy foods, eating healthy food, healthy eating three meals a day. This is the only way conducive to healthy growth 3. sandy to buy new skirt. Last Sunday, sandy and mother to buy a skirt. Mother to buy her red skirt, but the sandy like blue, but the store did not she wear the blue skirt size. sandy also try other colors smart skirt, but are not satisfied with. Finally, the owner told them to come next Sunday, when there will be appropriate to wear the skirt sandy
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英语作文3篇1.王红是个文静害羞的女孩。喜欢穿蓝色的衣服,应为蓝色象征平静和安宁。她穿着蓝色衣服很  2020-04-07 …

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