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俄列车出轨 英文就是讲俄罗斯列车出轨事件的英文新闻稿.简单一点就可以,读起来一两分钟这样子.

俄列车出轨 英文
Russian authorities say a bomb blast caused the train derailment which killed at least 26 people. More than 100 were injured in Friday night's incident, and 18 are still missing. Officials have opened a criminal case on charges of terrorism.
The Nevsky Express was carrying around 700 people from Moscow to Russia's second largest city, Saint Petersburg. The last three carriages of the 14-car train derailed at a speed of nearly 200 kilometers an hour.
Officials say a homemade bomb exploded on the tracks, causing the crash. A crater 1.5 meters in diameter and just under a meter deep was found at the scene.
Alexander Bortnikov, Head Russian Federal Security Service, said, "Criminal experts say that based on preliminary findings, an explosion took place of an improvised explosive device with the equivalent power of seven kilograms of TNT."
A criminal case has been opened of a possible terrorist attack. Officials say they are seeking several suspects including a man around 40 years old, with red-hair.
Russia's President, Dmitry Medvedev, has called for calm. He has ordered authorities to help the victims and investigate the accident.
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