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The long ago makes up the child flaw to have favors Yu Weijun. Law ofthe health country: Steals harnesses Mr. che Zheyue. Makes up thechild flaw mother to get sick, world considers toward the night makesup the child, makes up the child to rectify harnesses Mr. the vehicleby to leave. Mr. Wen Erxian it, said that, "Teaches ah! For the mothertherefore, perishes its 刖 crime." Some day, encircles with Mr. YouYuguo, eats the peach but Gansu, endless, partly feeds Mr. by it. Mr.said that, "Loves me ah! Perishes its taste to feed me." And makes upthe child 色衰爱弛, offends Mr. Yu, Mr. said: "Is firmly tastesrectifies harnesses my vehicle, also tastes feeds me by 馀 thepeach." Therefore makes up line of the child not to change Yu Chuye,after but before therefore sees but being punished for an offensevirtuously, the love and hate changes. Therefore has the love to thehost, then wisdom when adds kisses; Has presents as a gift to thehost, then wisdom not when sees the crime to add sparsely. Thereforeadmonishes said gentleman of the discussion, after cannot not observehost of the love and hate but to say 焉.
The husband dragon for the insect also, is supple may insultinglyintimate ride; However under his/her throat has 逆鳞 径尺, if theperson has the infant, then must kill people. The person advocatesalso has 逆鳞, 说者 can the non- infant person advocate 逆鳞,then several.

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