早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


On weekdays,Micheal gets up at 6:30.He has breakfast at7:00 and then he goes to school.He goes to school by bike.
Hegets to school at 7:30 every day.He doesn't like to be late.They beginclasses at 8:00.They have lunch inthe middle of the day.In the afternoon,classes are over at 3:00,and Michealgets home at about 4:00.But theyoften play games,and he gets home at 5:00.He has supper at about 6:00 withhis father and mother.
In the evening,Micheal does his homework.He often watches TV onSaturday evening.He goes to bed at about 10:30 .
81.Qingdao is___the northeast of Henan.
82.Iknow how to look for___(space)to park my bike.
83.Hewas surprised___the wonders.
84.Thecrowd pushed him__all directions and someone stepped____Darren’s toes
85.Qilinstands____the peace of the country.
86.Ifpeople____(obey)the traffic rules,there will be fewer accidents.
87.Metersaway,there was a sharp turn___the left.
88.Pleaseslow____!It’s too dangerous.
1.I___ ____(make) a bookcase now.
2.Thanksfor_____(read) a bookcase now.
3.He______(notlisten)to the teacher just now.
4.___you______(drive)yournew car tomorrow?
5.Mysister_____(like)English very much.
6.Iam 4 years_____(old)than my borther.
81. on82.space83.by84.in...on.85for86.obey.87.on 88.down.
1.am making.2reading.3 is not listening.4will..drive.5 likes. 6 older

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