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nese diet with its craft is consummate, the process is complete, flow rigorous, cooking
methods complicated and changeable characteristics in world history is cooking monolith,
forming the unique diet culture. In Chinese daily diet, staple food with rice, noodles and
grains primarily. Dishes with livestock and poultry, vegetables, aquatic products, seafood and
dry primarily. Food production on attention element of meat or fish is tie-in, advocate
complementary collocation, and color, smell, taste, shape, texture, raising of organic
combination. Notice when because, because, because people and become, exquisite tastes
mediate, emphasize dietary supplements, the food raises to perfectly person for. Cooking
methods are inconstant, common two kinds, such as: decoct, fry, blasting, fry, inline skate,
burn, boil, baked, rinse, stewed, fume, boiled, steamed, braising, Qiang bittern, etc.
Seasonings exquisite changes, pay attention to raw materials BenWei play, namely so-called
relish make out, tasteless make into ". Common flavoring have soy sauce, vinegar, sugar,
salt, MSG, all kinds of spices, sauces, on the basis of the basic condiment to combine the
formation of composite taste type, such as: onion oil, salt &pepper, salted fresh, sweet and
sour and sweet and salty garlic sweet etc. Dishes change, rich. Universally practised meals
system, including main, each dish. And eat dinner for the basic form.

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