早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.people tend to amass posessions,sometimes without being aware of doing so.前半句怎么换成我喜欢收藏东西?可以说i tend to amass possessions 2.虽然这个现象对我们造成很多困扰,但是也不必太过担心,俗话说的好:一切都会好起来的.3.但是另一方面,很多人不能学以致用,导致自己找不到在社会中合适的位置.4.我的职业生涯规划(标题 5.做一名教师(标题 6 失业浪潮.
1 可以
2 although this phenomenon has puzzled us a lot , but we did not need to worry much about it, because as an old saying goes that everything gonna be alright.
3 but on the other hand, many people cannot put their knowledge into practice, which lead to a result that they cannot find their proper positions in society.
4 my career plan
5 to be a teacher
6 unemployment wave