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The test method is described in ISO 6222.
In the DryDes P-test the samples were taken from a floor in a pig sti.
1 sample was taken from an untreated squaremeter floor and
from 1 squarmeter floor treated by 50 gram DryDes P pr sq.m another sample
was taken!
The samples were diluted in warm water mcc. to ISO 6222 and placed in
Petri-bowls with agar and subrstrate at 37 degC for 48 hours!
After this curing the cells will grow.
Then the number of cells is counted.
In the Petri-bowls with sample from the untreated floor the number of
grown cells is expedted to be high!
In the Petri-bowls from sample from a treated floor, the number of cells
will be low!
Normally we have 3 petri bowls pr sample.
The difference in number of cells is the reduction in bacterias at the
treated floor!
你好,以下纯手工翻译,如有问题欢迎继续追问,若满意请及时采纳.谢谢 The test method is described in ISO 6222.此测试方法在ISO 6222中进行了描述.In the DryDes P-test the samples were taken from a floor in a p...

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