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摘要: 目的了解消化系常用中成药与其他药物的配伍使用情况.方法对常用消化系中成药复方陈香胃片、藿香正气软胶囊、胃血宁口服液、葛根芩连微丸、中药胃宁片、补中益气丸、山楂化滞丸、人参归脾丸与其他药物(包括中药、西药)的配伍情况进行分析.结果复方陈香胃片、藿香正气软胶囊、胃血宁口服液、葛根芩连微丸、中药胃宁片、补中益气丸、山楂化滞丸、人参归脾丸等消化系中成药与其他药物配伍应用的情况非常普遍,且易引起药物疗效降低,甚至失效或出现不良反应,其原因多种多样.结论消化系中成药单独使用时虽然不易引起不良反应,但如果与其他药物配合使用,应严格按照配伍禁忌服药,以免降低药物的疗效,甚至致使药物失效或发生不良反应,对患者的造成不必要的伤害.
Objective: to understand the Chinese XiaoHuaXi commonly use the compatibility with other drugs. Methods used to XiaoHuaXi proprietary ChenXiang compound, the agastache rugosaq stomach soft capsule, healthy blood ning oral liquid, stomach, traditional Chinese medicine is effective to connect the micro particle, fill in yiqi pills, pills, the ginseng of hawthorn delay to spleen pills and other drugs (including Chinese medicine, western medicine) the compatibility of the situation analysis. Results compound ChenXiang stomach, soft capsule, stomach agastache rugosaq healthy blood ning oral liquid, micro particle, traditional Chinese medicine is effective to connect the piece, fill in yiqi pills, pills, the ginseng of hawthorn delay to spleen wandeng XiaoHuaXi proprietary Chinese medicine and other drug compatibility application is caused by drugs, and easy, even failure or adverse reactions, a variety of reasons. Conclusion XiaoHuaXi proprietary when used alone, although not cause adverse reactions, but if used with other drugs, should be in strict accordance with the compatibility, lest reduce drug medication taboos, even causing failure or adverse drug reactions to patients with unnecessary damage.

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