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宇宙就是一座黑暗森林,每个文明都是带枪的猎人,像幽灵般潜行于林间,轻轻拨开挡路的树枝,竭力不让脚步发出一点儿声音,连呼吸都必须小心翼翼:他必须小心,因为林中到处都有与他一样潜行的猎人,如果他发现了别的生命,能做的只有一件事:开枪消灭之.在这片森林中,他人就是地狱,就是永恒的威胁,任何暴露自己存在的生命都将很快被消灭,这就是宇宙文明的图景,这就是对费米悖论的解释.  被发现,即被毁灭!
The universe is a dark forest,each civilization is hunters with guns,like ghosts lurk in the woods,gently poke in thebranches,trying not to step to issue a little voice,even breathing must with great care:he must be careful,because everywhere in the forest and he like stealthhunter,if he found the other life,can only do one thing:firekill.In this forest,the others is hell,is the eternal threat,anyexposed themselves to the existence of life will soon be destroyed,this is the prospect of the universe,this is the explanation to Fermi paradox.Was found,which was destroyed!
The basic axiom
1,survival is the first need of civilization
2,civilization continued growth and expansion,but the total amount of matter in the universe remains constant
Cosmic dark forests every civilization hunter with a gun like a ghost stealth
steps gently through the woods is in the way of branches to let some sound even
breathing must be carefully:have to be careful because Lin place have found
don't life with sample stealth hunter can do only thing:people eternal hell
fire extinguishments forest threat any exposed themselves to save lives almost
destroyed the universe civilization picture explain the Fermi paradox Was found
that be destroyed
The basic axioms
1,civilization first need to survive
civilization growth and expansion,the amount of matter the universe remain the

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