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世界最遥远的距离 不是只打了九十九分 而是只差一分及格
世界最遥远的距离 不是只差一分及格 而是差一点接到纸条却被老师粘在脚底
世界最遥远的距离 不是只差一点接到纸条 却被老师粘在脚底 而是纸条已经到手 交卷铃声响起
世界最遥远的距离 不是纸条已经到手 交卷铃声响起 而是只差一点抄完 却被老师逮到
The furthest distance in the world not only hit ninety-nine points but only a minute to pass the exam
The furthest distance in the world is not only a minute to pass the exam but only received a piece of paper was glued to the soles of the feet by the teacher
The furthest distance in the world is not just almost received a piece of paper was glued to the soles of the feet by the teacher but note papers are rings
Papers of the world's most remote distance is not a piece of paper has come to hand in the ring but only almost finish copy was caught by the teacher
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