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Small good deeds sometimes may get big returns or make a great difference!
Never ignore the deed of small kindness \x0cA mouse begged a lion,who was woken up by the mouse,to spare his life.Later,the mouse helped the lion by gnawing the ropes.After reading this story,I came to realize that people should never ignore the deed of small kindness.Small good deeds sometimes may get big returns or make a great difference!
I fully agree that trivial things play an important part in our life.Such examples can be seen easily in our daily life.A good case in point is,as we can see,a word of encouragement from a sincere teacher often changes a downhearted student’s idea and behavior.
Another example is that a warm smile to someone who loses courage and wants to commit suicide may comfort him,cheer him up and help him through the darkest night in his life.
In a word,it is the trivial things in daily life that count.Just as the famous saying goes,do not think any virtue trivial,and so neglect it; do not think any vice trivial,and so practice it.\x0c
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