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My name is Li Jinqing ,44 year old .In 1987.7 ,I graduated from Guangxi medical college and worked in Dept.of biochemistry in a medical college as a teaching assistant.I was transferred to a civil hospital in my hometown 1989.1 and served as a resident physician.To enrich my medical theory and strengthen my clinical capacity ,and to serve my patients better in future ,I decided to major in hematology .So I study hematology as a master student in Norman Bethune University.From 1993 .7 to 2001.10 I worked as a physician-in-charge (attending doctor) and lecturer in in Guilin medical college.From 1993-2001 ,I published several papers .Because of my clinical and teaching capacity ,I was promoted to the position of associate professor .
From 2001.10-2004.7,I was indulged in the study of clinical hematology for doctor degree in Beijing Medical University.After graduation ,I work as a hematological doctor in Luhe hospital.By now I have had rich clinical experience and have mastered much medical techniques .I am capable of directing junior doctor and able to do research work as well .Up till now ,my several papers have been published .I think I have attained the ability level of associate chief physician .So I apply for the position of being an associate chief physician and wish I can success
第三行 第二句
第三行最后一句“to enrich..." 最好改为“In order to " 否则句子不太漂亮
第五行 so i study...改为studied
第七行 lecture 也改为过去时
倒数第五行 much medical techniques 改 many medical..或 amounts of /masses of
最后一行 wish 改hope that 或者expect that 这样显得你比较有信心
最后说 如果这个简历是你的 那么你很了不起!加油!
看了 请大家帮我修改一下我的英语下...的网友还看了以下:

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