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The winter vacation I had dreamed all year around was finally coming.And I really enjoyed a lot from it.
The first thing I did was I made a plan for my study.I assigned my homework equally according to the holidays so that I can finish all of them in time.I also arranged myself the books and words I need to read and recite.
Secondly,I took some extracurricular activities and read some English original reading.My favorite book is ,written by Sherlock Holmes.Among all the classical movies,the Sound of Music was the most exciting one.During my holidays I also made some assistance for my physical class teacher,surely I met lots of difficulties in this stage and from which I knew what perseverance really was.
Lastly,I went to the temple fair and was lucky to taste several Chinese traditional dishes; “Jiaohua chicken” is one of them.It is said it originated from Hangzhou centuries ago,made by a famous beggar Hong Qi Gong,the senior leader of Beggar Gang.Steamed with fresh lotus leaf wrapped up,it is famous for its special aroma and taste.
Now that the holiday is ending and a new semester is coming,I need to fresh up and get started to embrace the upcoming challenges.
读了几本精品读物,我最喜欢的是夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock·Holmes)探案集的《巴斯克维尔猎犬The Hound of the Baskervilles——Sir Arthur Conan Doyle》英文版.还看了几部经典影视作品,其中我最欣赏的是《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music).我还为我们的物理老师做了课件,在这个过程中,我遇到了很多困难,也学会了什么叫坚持.
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