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漫步在这个校园里,一草一木都是我的朋友,与我有着深厚的感情.田径场上有我们洒下的汗水,跆拳道馆有我们付出的艰辛,科技室有我们挥洒的智慧……马上我们要离开母校了,但是这些汗水、艰辛、智慧 永远不会消失会代替我们伴随母校成长.
再见了,亲爱的母校.您养育了我这么多年,让我在知识的海洋里遨游,学到了那么多知识.再见了,尊敬的老师,您为我付出了无数的心血,教了我那么多知识、道理.再见了,我的同学们,我们不能在一起玩了,要与新朋友一起生活了.总之,千言万语都只表达我一个意思: 再见了,母校!老师!同学们!
我的演讲完毕!】 英语Hello, everyone. In the cloudless, sunny days, Dagan primary school is waved goodbye to us. Think I will leave his teacher, leave the students be together morning and night, filled with hate. Walking in the campus, every tree and bush are my friends, have a deep feeling with me. Have we shed the sweat on the field, Taekwondo Hall we paid hardships, we sprinkle wisdom technology room. We should leave the alma mater at once, but the sweat, hard, wisdom will never disappear will replace us with his alma mater, growth. A pile of, a piece of the past be visible before the eyes, as in life on the Road Pearl ambilight. The laughter of classmates, reading voice came back to mind. I remember in the ocean dune barbecue, the classmates to catch crabs on the beach; during the Qingming Festival sweep the tombs, the classmates offered white for the martyrs in the mountains; in the section of science and technology, the students play their own level of class have won many awards; and English Festival, well-prepared students, a sentence English sentence in mind; in the "June 1" International Children's day, the students of the game happily. All in all, are deeply printed in my heart, I will never forget. Goodbye, my dear alma mater. You raise me for so many years, let me roam in the ocean of knowledge, learn so much knowledge. Goodbye, dear teacher, you gave me countless painstaking effort, teach me so much knowledge, truth. Goodbye, my classmates, we can not play together, and new friends living together. In short, thousands and thousands of words are expressed only I a meaning: goodbye, Alma mater! Teacher. The students! I finished the speech! ]
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