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East Lake Scenic Area
Wuchang, Hubei is located in eastern outskirts of the city, hence the name. The vast surface of the water, about 33 square kilometers, almost six times the West Lake in Hangzhou. It is the largest landscape Wuhan tour, the two million passengers per年接待游客. By the State Council in 1982 as the first batch of national key spots.
Lake twists and turns, east, west, south undulating hills on three sides, 10000 dumping blue water and clear bottoming out. The endlessly rising Emerald, Hushan form a contrast sublime variety. The whole lake staggered to a 99 corner, said to be outside the Great Lakes, even small lakes, small lakes around again with Lake, rolling excitement, I do not know where is the end. The lake and the mountains, mountain water, landscapes groaning, Tang and Wang Qing peak ripple, riding white horses like in relation to the mountains, undulating excitement, MO struggle with it their best.
March Sakura orchids in April, the lakes and mountains beauty of beauties; Summer Falling Star, heat is not when, the Donghu Lake region the temperature 2 degrees Celsius lower than in the city, people Yongchang to relieve summer heat, Forest fan shade and enjoy the cool air; autumn, there is San-Qiu seeds, and ten-mile fragrance, 10000 leaves, row of trees to make dye, Rui-Fen Yang, moshan spit plum blossom bud bloom, lady Ascot, after another.
National key scenic spots, with a total area of 87 square kilometers, of which 33 square kilometers water surface. Vastness, sparkling clear water, waterfowl haunt guests will cruise boat the fish, such as weaving, Lake twists and turns, known as "99 Bay," said. There OK MTX Court, Waterside Xuan, art galleries, Liyuan, long days and other features floor. Mountains surrounded by pine Emerald, unique cultural characteristics of the Chu Chu urban construction in the seat of the famous botanical garden moshan. There are reproduction of the ancient state of Chu agribusiness trade and the folk customs of the attractions. Chu visitors into the city, visiting Chu City, Guan-Feng standard, climbed 100 steps of the Chutian Taiwan, Chu could feel the antique style to enjoy the beautiful and diverse East Lake Villas, relaxed and happy.
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