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The enterprise group fiscal control pattern studies the enterprise group to take one kind of high-level configuration of organization,synthesized the enterprise to organize the shape many kinds of superiority,will impel the enterprise organization shape and the management mechanism rationalization; They take the national economy development the prop,is realizes the industry restructure and the promotion leading force; Moreover the enterprise group develops the export-orient economy nucleus,is representing the national international competitiveness.Is precisely based on enterprise group's this kind of strategic function,each national positively development and the strength enterprise group enhances oneself country the comprehensive national strength.But the enterprise group by ten scale's unceasing inflations,organizational structure's complication,encounters many difficulties in the internal management.The group internal fiscal control question,has been puzzles various enterprise group internal management a big difficult problem,is also a realistic question which the business community pays attention.This article takes the object of study by the enterprise group,in the main analysis enterprise group fiscal control system foundation,three kind of control models which and the advantages the stress analysis enterprise group exists,and which factors unifies under Haier Group's case elaboration to have to have the influence to enterprise group's fiscal control pattern choice,finally draws the conclusion.
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