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3 接妥220VAC及24VDC主电源及备用电源,工作模式开关选择为“自动”,打开控制柜面板上电源开关,控制柜面板上的“主电源”和“备用电源”指示灯点亮,“自动取样”指示灯点亮,系统自动进入首次运行的预热模式(时间长度为0-1分钟,可通过显示屏上的光柱观察进度),预热完成后进入自动吹扫模式,利用减压后最高4KG/CM2的清洁压缩空气对所有检测舱位进行扫气,以排除取样管线内的水气和杂物,全部检测舱位工作指示灯显示为“扫气”;吹扫工作完成后,取样真空泵自动工作,调节流量计指示至1 L/MIN,系统通过电磁阀组自动切换取样舱位,相应检测舱位工作指示灯显示为“取样”,显示屏显示当前测量点位的可燃气体浓度读数(每一检测通道取样切换时间长度为1-999秒,可通过显示屏上的菜单调整,各通道的取样时间长度可单独设置成不同时长,也可统一设置).此时系统已进入正常运行状态.
4.4 按下控制柜面板上试验按钮,面板上全部指示灯及蜂鸣器均应工作.
4.5 如果某一检测舱位的可燃气体浓度超过10% LEL预设预报警浓度(0-50%LEL,可通过显示屏上的菜单调整),预报警状态指示灯闪烁(低频),蜂鸣器鸣响(低频),按下消音按钮后,蜂鸣器停止鸣响,预报警状态指示灯变为常亮;如果其他检测舱位再次出现超标情况,声光警报将再次出现;如果全部检测舱位可燃气体浓度低于预设值,按下复位按钮后,预报警状态指示灯熄灭.预报警的舱位、时间、浓度等信息的历史记录可在显示屏的相关页面查询、显示.当出现预报警状态时,请停止热工作业,检查相关舱位的可燃气体泄漏情况,并排除之.
4.6 如果某一检测舱位的可燃气体浓度超过30% LEL预设主报警浓度(0-50%LEL,可通过显示屏上的菜单调整),主报警状态指示灯闪烁(高频),蜂鸣器鸣响(高频),按下消音按钮后,蜂鸣器停止鸣响,主报警状态指示灯变为常亮;如果其他检测舱位再次出现超标情况,声光警报将再次出现;如果全部检测舱位可燃气体浓度低于预设值,按下复位按钮后,主报警状态指示灯熄灭.主报警的舱位、时间、浓度等信息的历史记录可在显示屏的相关页面查询、显示.当出现主报警状态时,请停止热工作业,检查相关舱位的可燃气体泄漏情况,并排除之.
4.7 控制柜内部的可燃气体浓度监测由单独设立的可燃气体传感器负责连续监测,任何时候,如果柜内可燃气体浓度指示超过30%LEL预设主报警值,则系统自动停止控制运行,“柜内超标”指示灯闪烁,蜂鸣器鸣响,按下消音按钮后,蜂鸣器停止鸣响,显示屏显示“柜内超标”.直到柜内可燃气体浓度读数下降至正常值,柜内故障排除后,按下 “柜内超标复位”按钮,“柜内超标/复位”指示灯熄灭,系统方可重新运行,对各检测舱位进行取样监测.
6.1 误警报
6.1.1 进行管线人工吹扫,排尽取样管内残余气体后,重新进行取样测量.
6.1.2 检查显示屏报警设定值是否正常,如不正确,重新设定.
6.1.3 使用标准气体对传感器进行校验,如果有偏差,重新进行零位、增益的标定.
6.1.4 检查PLC工作状态.
6.2 不报警
6.2.3 检查PLC工作状态.
6.3 取样泵不工作
6.3.1 检查取样泵电源回路是否正常.
6.3.2 检查取样泵是否正常.
6.3.3 检查系统是否为柜内报警闭锁状态,如是,先行复位.
6.3.4 检查系统是否处于吹扫工作模式.
6.4 系统不能自动切换取样回路
6.4.1 检查系统工作模式选择是否在自动状态.
6.4.2 检查PLC工作状态.

澶ф?灏辨槸杩欐牱浜?涓嶈繃浼氭湁璇?樊璇疯皡瑙Ⅻbr/>3 then duly 220VAC and 24VDC main power and backup power supply,switch mode of choice for the "automatic",open the control counter-board power switch,control board counter the "main power" and "standby power" light is lit,"automatic sampling" light is lit,the system automatically run the first warm-up mode (the length of time for 0-1 minutes,can be observed on the screen Guangzhu progress),after the completion of warm-up into the automatic purge mode,use after decompression 4KG/CM2 the highest clean air for all testing conducted scavenging accommodation in order to rule out the possibility of sampling the water and gas pipelines and other objects,all detected light work of accommodation shown as "Scavenging"; Purge work is completed,sampling pumps work automatically to regulate the flow meter instructions to 1 L / MIN,the system automatically switches through the electromagnetic valve sampling space,the corresponding indicator light detection work space shown as "sampling",the screen shows the current measuring point of the combustible gas concentration readings ( Each detection channel switching time sampling length of 1-999 seconds,can be adjusted on the screen menu,the channel sampling the length of time can be individually set to a long time can also be unified settings).At this point the system has entered a state of normal operation.
4.4 Press the control panel counter test button,all lights and the panel should work buzzer.
4.5 If a class of combustible gas detection concentration above 10% LEL alarm default pre-concentration (0-50% LEL,can adjust the menu screen),pre-alarm status indicator light flashes (low frequency),buzzer-ming ring (low frequency),press the mute button,buzzer stopped ringing,pre-alarm status indicators into Always; if other detection accommodation exceeded again,the sound and light warning will come up again; If all the combustible gas detection accommodation concentration of less than default,press the reset button,pre-alarm status indicator goes out.Pre-alarm space,time,concentration of historical records and other information can display the relevant page inquiries,show.When the pre-alarm state,please stop hot work industry,check the relevant class of combustible gas leakage,and to exclude.
4.6 If a class of combustible gas detection concentration above 30% LEL alarm default main concentration (0-50% LEL,can adjust the menu screen),the main alarm status indicator light flashes (HF),buzzer ringing (high frequency),press the mute button,the buzzer to stop ringing,the main alarm status indicators into Always; if other detection accommodation exceeded again,the sound and light warning will come up again; If all the testing space combustible gas concentrations below the default,press the reset button,indicator light to turn off the main report to the police state.Alarm Master of accommodation,time,concentration of historical records and other information can display the relevant page inquiries,show.When the main report to the police state,please stop hot work industry,check the relevant class of combustible gas leakage,and to exclude.
4.7 Internal control cabinet combustible gas concentration monitoring by separate combustible gas sensor is responsible for continuous monitoring at any time,if the concentration of combustible gases inside the instructions more than 30% LEL default value of the main report to the police,the system automatically stops the control operation,"cabinet superscalar "light blinking,buzzer sound,press the mute button,the buzzer to stop ringing,the screen shows" superscalar inside." Combustible gas concentration inside until the readings dropped to normal,after troubleshooting inside,press the "reset inside superscalar" button "inside superscalar / reset" indicator goes out,the system can be re-run of the detection of accommodation for Sampling and Monitoring.
6.Failure to deal with
6.1 false alarm
6.1.1 to carry out artificial Purge pipeline,scheduled to make the residual gas sampling tube,the re-sampling measurement.
6.1.2 display alarm settings to check whether it is normal,if not correct,re-setting.
6.1.3 using a standard calibration gas sensors,if there is deviation,re-zero,gain calibration.
6.1.4 Inspection PLC working condition.
6.2 does not alarm
6.2.1 display alarm settings to check whether it is normal,if not correct,re-setting.
6.2.2 using a standard calibration gas sensors,if there is deviation,re-zero,gain calibration.
6.2.3 Inspection PLC working condition.
6.3 sampling pump does not work
6.3.1 sampling pump power to check whether it is normal for loop.
6.3.2 check whether it is normal for sampling pump.
6.3.3 inspection system for locking the state of alarm inside and if so,to reset.
6.3.4 inspection system is in purge mode.
6.4 system can not automatically switch sampling loop
6.4.1 inspection system in the automatic mode to choose whether or not a state.
6.4.2 Inspection PLC working condition.
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