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定语从句中的 独立结构 是什么?独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构

定语从句中的 独立结构 是什么?
独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 独立结构 是什么?
1)The moon appearing,they decided to go on with theirjouney.
2)Good-bye said,he went home.
3)The weather(being)hot,we all went swimming.
4)Some of the money to be paid by the thief,the policewent.
5)He climbed in,sword in hand.
6)The meeting(being)over,we left the room.
主格名词/代词 + 分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语
(作逻辑主语) (作逻辑谓语)
1.All our savings gone,we started looking for jobs.
2.The question settled,we went home.
3.The river having risen in the night,the crossing was impossible.
主格名词/代词 + 分词 (过去分词/现在分词)
主格名词/代词 + 形容词
1.His mother being ill,he had to stay home to look after her.
2.Other things being equal,I would buy the black dress.
主格名词/代词 + 副词
The meeting being over,our headmaster soon left
the meeting-room.
We to care for the children,you are able to be carefree
away from home.
主格名词/代词 + 不定式
主格名词/代词 +介词短语
Our English teacher came into the classroom,papers in hand.
with复合结构 与 独立主格结构
1,With winter coming on,the trees turn yellow and
some birds fly south.
=Winter coming on,the trees turn yellow and some
birds fly south.
1,With the weather terribly cold,we entered the
room to warm ourselves.
= The weather terribly cold,we entered the room to warm ourselves.
2,With the key having been lost,she could not
enter the room.
= The key having been lost,she could not enter the room.
1,With time permitting,we'll visit the Summer Palace.
= Time permitting,we'll visit the Summer Palace.
2,With the car going wrong,we'll have to stop
at the foot of the mountain.
= The car going wrong,we'll have to stop at the foot
of the mountain.
1,The mother was cleaning the house with her baby
playing on the bed.
=The mother was cleaning the house,her baby playing
on the bed.
2,Last night I followed him,with a sword in my hand.
= Last night I followed him ,sword in hand.
He sat at the desk reading
with a pen was in his right hand.
Soon she arrived at a park with grass green and
flowers in blossom.
= Soon she arrived at a park whose grass was green
and whose flowers were in blossom.
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