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英文电影观后感和台词帮忙写四篇英文电影的观后感还有相应电影的各十句台词摘抄.观后感一共四篇 每篇一百字 从各电影中摘抄十句台词 一共四十句

观后感一共四篇 每篇一百字 从各电影中摘抄十句台词 一共四十句
  Brave Heart,the winner of Oscar Prize,is about the war between England and Scotland.
  But in the movie,the most important thing is not fighting.It is the pursuit of freedom that attract me most.In the age mentioned in the movie,England ruled Scotland in a cruel way.People in Scotland rebelled.
  Wallace,leader of the rebellion,was a real hero.He fought bravely with his soldiers,for neither wealth nor power.What they want the most is that they could live a free life.
  After long-time fighting,the rebellion was beaten down and Wallace was arrested.The ruler gave hime a last chance to confess and promised him if he did so,he might not be sentenced.
  But what's Wallace's choice.At the last of his life,he abandoned the chance to survive and cried out,'freedom'.This was the word that all people in Scotland wanted to say.
  This movie is my favorite.It tells me that there is something named freedom which is more important than life.
  William Wallace:FREEDOM!
  William Wallace:Every man dies,not every man really lives.
  William Wallace:Fight and you may die,run and you'll live.At least a while.And dying in your beds many years from now,would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance,just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives,but they'll never take our freedom?!
  William Wallace:Not nearly as beautiful as you
  William Wallace:Why do you help me?
  Princess Isabelle:Because of the way you are looking at me now.
  Princess Isabelle:He ( the king ) proposes that you withdraw your attack.In return,he grants you title,estates and this chest of gold,which I am to pay to you personally.
  William Wallace:A lordship and titles...gold...that I should become Judas?
  Princess Isabelle:Peace is made in such ways.
  William Wallace:Slaves are made in such ways!
  William Wallace:God makes men what they are.
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