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英语翻译霍金先生你好 我感觉我有个发现 想请你看这段文章圆周率为什么是3.14...,这个问题困扰过我很久.我不是问怎么推出来是那么多,而是问,为什么是那个特殊的数,不是另外的数.如果圆

霍金先生你好 我感觉我有个发现 想请你看这段文章
Mr.Hawkins,I think I have a discovery,and I want you to read this article.
Why the ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter,PI has to be 3.14……?This question has been troubling me for a long time.I am not asking how did it come about,but why this special number and not others?Even if PI were to be another figure,I would still ask the same question,but it has to be a number,it won’t be now it’s 3.14 and then 4.14,and it also will not be double in another world.
One day I suddenly realized that a circle is special; it’s special because it is a kind of regular polygon,a shape of innumerable sides.All the while in my sub-consciousness,circle is perfect,unique; there is no figure similar to circle,it doesn’t belong to any group,that’s why I can’t understand its relationship with a special number.
Before this issue came to my mind,I had thought of these two problems:why the velocity of light is c Why the universe is as it is c is a number plus an unit which is related to numbers,so photon is special (I raise this problem because the book says that velocity of light is the limit).
In this way,with no relationship to numbers,then it’s perfect,our universe might be the entire world.If related to numbers,our universe is special,as well as other things which are similar to our universe.
I cannot be sure how huge is the scope of number,I think at least all the real numbers are equal.If what I think is correct,it will bring new problems to Mathematics and Physics,and I also hope that this will be of help to you.Best regards !
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