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The fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, just after the Spring Festival, celebrating is one of Chinese han nationality traditional festival Lantern Festival, in the first month of the lunar January, the ancients said that night as "night", so called the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival.The fifteenth day the full moon is the first month of the year, is also one yuan after the beginning, the earth rejuvenation of the night, people to celebrate, and to celebrate the New Year.According to Chinese folk traditions, bright moon hung on the day of the night, people point lights all light, to show celebration.Go out and enjoy the moon put flame burning lamp, guess riddles, eating lantern, family reunions, celebrate the holidays, happy.The Lantern Festival feast and common activities, is along with the development of the history and extend and expand.Just one day, in terms of length of the feast, han dynasty to the tang dynasty has for three days, the song dynasty, for up to five days, the Ming dynasty, but also from the eighth day light didn't fall until the seventeenth day of the night lights, ten days.The day for the city, into the Spring Festival, very busy, night lights, spectacular.Especially the choiceness, colorful lights, more make it become the climax of entertainment activities during the Spring Festival.To the qing dynasty, but also increased the dragon dance, lion dance, bohanchuan, walking on stilts, "acrobatics" content such as dancing, just feast reduced to four to five days.
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