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Now people travel traffic in a number of ways,such as walking,riding a bike,bus,car,etc.Different means of transportation on our life has different effects.More and more cars to make the air of the city became more and more worse,we should reduce the drive,to make our city more beautiful.People drive the biggest reason is convenient,greatly reducing the time spent on the way,but also on the air seriously polluted.Environment for our life has a great impact,we should try our best to protect their planet,protection of the environment around us.For example,reduce the use of cars to travel by bus or ride a bicycle path is short,can walk,etc..Now,the environment pollution is more and more get the attention of people,we should start from our own,to protect environment of their own contribution to a force.

给下列字注音,和看拼音写汉字(50分),6题1.凯字的左半部分和见组成的字是(),这个字和yu(2  2020-04-06 …

下面是今人根据李商隐《夜雨寄北》译写的一首新诗,请从所给两题中任选一题作答,要求120字左右。(1  2020-06-09 …

“雄”字的左半边?雄字的左半边是一个字吗?貌似会见到有人把雄字简写成这样.我也想要那半边的字,可是  2020-06-26 …

找出下列左收右放的字:把,怕,沈,政,村,都。(一共有三个)左收右放:如致字,左右互为因果,如左右  2020-07-08 …

这个字怎么念左右结构的字:左边一个“革”右边的上面是“合”下面是升去掉一撇这个字念什么?如果错了差  2020-07-11 …

作文怎么写?题目《温暖的记忆》要求:倒叙800字.给个题材就行了  2020-07-24 …

以如何学好英语为题目的英语作文(120字)如题啊,给个范文吧,如何学好英语要英语的作文120单词左右  2020-10-30 …

阅读下面的文字,完成1~4题。左右脑是怎样协作配合的呢?右耳、右视野的所闻所见总是传给左脑;左耳、左  2020-11-10 …

请从所给两题中任选一题作答,要求120字左右。(1)春节期间,一档看似没有多少综艺节目基因的综艺节目  2020-11-25 …

作文题目不写如何扣分?给的题材是:欲穷千里目,更上一层楼(不允许按题材扩写),我女儿由于时间不够了,  2021-02-05 …