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If I hadn"t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you___now.为何不用C?A.wouldn"t be smiling B.won"t smileC.couldn"t be smiling D.didn"t smile为何不用C?

If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you___now.为何不用C?
A.wouldn't be smiling B.won't smile
C.couldn't be smiling D.didn't smile
would / should / could / might 这些词在虚拟句中都可能出现,至于选哪个才更合适,都是根据语境来决定.
句中的口吻是想要表达 “要不是我.,你现在就笑不出来了”这样一层意思.
所以A是正选,用 wouldn't be 比 couldn't be 合适.
couldn't be 的意思更接近“你不可能.”,主观臆测的成分较多.