早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


As a teenager, we are bearing the hope of our country and the heavy loan of our parents. Therefore, We are clearly required to know what to do and what not to do in our process of life in the new century, which is of very important.
As a student, we should do what we can to acquire as much knowledge as possible. On the other hand, learning to cencern about the needs of others is also greatly important in our life. From the point of our teachers' will, we should also enhence the capability of putting theory into practice, which is most important of all.
Of course, in our parents's mind's eye, we have been a good child of their own if we can study well. However, all the above is not going to be enough if we really want to be a person that is useful to the development of our society. We should keep on learning in various areas, developing integrated skills and the ability to survive in the world.

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