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  Good humor lets us escape(逃脱)our daily routines(日常事务). No matter how bad your day was you can always sit down and watch“Seinfeld”or“The Simpsons ”and for a half hour forget about your problems and just laugh.

  Humor itself is the act of being laughable. A people's sense of humor allows them the opportunity(机会)to pick and choose what they think is funny. Not all people have the same sense of humor and that is why we see some of the things we do today.

  Shows like“South Park ” “Saturday Night Live ” “Punk'd”and“Friends”are all made for different audiences.

  Some people like crude(粗鲁的)humor some like witty humor some like humor at the expense of others and some people like good-hearted humor.

  People can Say they don't think one thing is funny or how can someone possibly laugh at that but this is what makes humor unique. It's different for everyone.

  While it is true that people can have similar senses of humor just like snow flakes no two are alike. And this is why we have such a large variety of humor to surround ourselves.

  Humor doesn't care about where you've been or where you're going. All humor cares about is helping you get there with a smile.

  One of the keys to having a good life is having a good sense of humor. Being able to laugh at a joke appreciate a funny movie and being able to laugh at yourself will do wonders for the body. Why do you think George Burns lived to be 100 years old? Not because he took great care of his body but because he was a comedian and had spent his whole life laughing. After all laughter is the best medicine and it doesn't cost a dime(一角硬币).

(1) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

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A.All people have the same sense of humor.

B.All people don't have the same sense of humor.

C.Most people like good-hearted humor.

D.People should not like crude humor.

(2) The underlined word “unique”most probably means ______.

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(3) We have a large variety of humor to surround ourselves because ______.

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A.people like to make fun of each other.

B.each of us has different sense of humor.

C.no two snowflakes are alike.

D.we want to escape out daily routines.

(4) The writer mentions “George Burns ”in the passage in order to ______.

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A.show that he was a famous comedian.

B.help you save some money.

C.tell you that laughter is the best medicine for your health.

D.tell you that everyone should take care of himself.
