早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. 公用电话在图书馆的对面.
    The pay phone is               the library.
2. 你想干什么?我想当警察.
    —        do you want to        ?
   —I want to be a       
3. 他喜欢海豚 因为它们很聪明.
    He        the dolphins        they are       
4. 星期天 他喜欢读点书.
    He likes to____some____on Sunday.
5. 你还喜欢别的什么动物?
    What______        do you like?
6. 我要牛肉和土豆的面条.
    I____        beef____potato noodles.
7. 谢谢你参加我们的节目.
    Thanks_______          our show.
8. 现在孩子们在公园里玩得很开心.
    The children                                    in the park now.
9. 情况怎么样?
              is it____?
10. 我受不了他们.
    I____      them
11. 昨天我给我的父母写了封信.
    I____        my parents yesterday.
12. 我不喜欢照相.
    I don't like____       
13. 他会说一点儿日语.
    He can_____             Japanese.
14. 孩子们喜欢在冬天玩雪.
    The children like to____      snow in winter.
15. 浩着公路一直往前走 然后左拐.
    Walk____the road then____left.
1. across from   2. What be; policeman 3. likes; because; clever   4. do; reading   5. other animals
6. would like; and   7. for joining   8. are having a good time9. How; going   10. can't stand  
11. wrote to   12. taking photos13. speak a little   14. play with   15. along/down; turn