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Jade, beauty of stone, there are five. Moist with temperature, the kernel, Since Xie Daniel, can know righteousness, the square, The ShuYang sound wisdom, the smell, underneath, Don't scratch and fold, the brave, Sharp and does not stay out till sundown, the party also.
A jade, jade is the adornment action: stone, beauty of jade fully YiYing, colour and lustre is colorful, elegant, gorgeous harmony, beautiful, generous, intensifying, will now proud spirit, which is the expression of the beauty of temperament.
Second, the collection value: jade, jade priceless gold tangible wek-jin is rare, have their own values, jade plays great role of currency, economic value, will never be depreciated. Jade is the collection value for collection, storage, wealth, not bad, is real collector will hide.
Third, jade is auspicious tokens: Asia Europe at the waist hanged jade except that the efficacy of kidney disease is cured, except that jade decorated function, still "spell, jewels and sacrifice" function. Peggy jade have protective effect, be like carelessly, accident and jade, it won't hurt, jade represents auspicious and evil for blessing.
Four, jade fitness functions:
The god of materia medica hair can "except in the jade: hot, embellish lung and throat, sound, AIDS, five hair, blood, kick and fresh". Jade contains essential trace elements, such as iron, zinc, selenium, copper and cobalt, nickel and chromium manganese, long-term wear, can infiltrate skin, enter human body, therefore, can make the wearing jade human physiological functions, with stable equilibrium and nerves.
China is the love jade, jade, in people's hearts are good and noble symbol. A good jade is hard, density, colour and lustre glittering and translucent uniquely. Jade is a kind of mineral with jade pyroxene group mineral aggregate, because of its uneven colors in a lively color, the color with red and green color, like the ancient red feathers of birds and green feathers fei, hisui. That includes kingfisher Due to the transparent crystal jade, burnish gratifying, hard brittle features and not be accepted "king of jade", is the most expensive gems varieties, with high economic value, the collection value and ornamental value.

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