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My Dream
Everyone has a dream. Now I'll talk about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. To my mind, everyone should have his own dream. I think that we have dream meaning we have a ideal, then we do everything all is for the target .So we have a goal to realize it, I think we don't blindness at least.
My dream is become a successful actor helping the sick and saving their lives. Of course, to be a good doctor. It’s very difficult. But I will by all means to keep everyone healthy. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or any money. China is a develop-ing country. She needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and lonely villages.
Now I’m a junior Grade One student, all my classmates and I are working hard, we all know the entrance exam of high schools which will come in the year of 2009 is a big problem for us. We must study harder and harder in order to go to a good high school, then when we finish our school, we can go to a good university. Finally we can find a good job in society. My dream is also that. Although now I’m good at study, I’ll try my best to be the study winer. Now everything I do all is close to my dream. I fell the life is fill with hope and colorful, and have enough confidence to realize it.
I know fantasy is hard to come true, but dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams,I’ll never give up.
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