早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.煮开水 2.放茶叶 3.洗茶叶 4.放开水 5.盖盖子
Introduction about every part of tea set:
2.serving container
3.smaller tea cup
4. iron kettle
5. waste-water stuff
Rinse tea set
Pour the boiled water into the teapot. And then use bamboo picker to hold tea cups into the boiled water and wash them.
This step is to clean whole tea set, to take away the dust and residues into the tea set. And warm up the tea pot and any other tea stuffs.
Rinse tea leaves
Put about 7 gram of Ooloong tea leaves into the tea pot, pour boiled water into the tea pot. And pour out the water quickly to save the aroma of the tea leaves. Then rinse the tea cups with the boiled water again. Afterward pour the water into wastewater stuff
Brew the tea
Pour the boiled water into the tea pot again, make the water full of the tea pot, and even a bit over the tea cover. Pour hot water down the cove to marm up the temperature. Wait for around 1 minute, when you see the water beyond the cover become dry off. Then it is the right time to pour out the tea into the serving container, then divided into every smaller tea cups. During the steeping time, the leaves have absorbed the water and make the tea into properly way.
Three key points about brewing tea:
1. tempreture of water
2. quantity of water
3. brewing time.
If too long infusion would make the tea bitter and distroy the fresh aroma.
Taste the tea
Hold the tea cup with three fingers like three dragons holding one pearl
Firstly, look at the tea colour, this is a point of tea-enjoyment to watch the soup looks clear, light golden color. That is why we regard Chinese tea culture is a kindly delicated culture.
Secondly, smell the fragrance, like smelling a nice flower and fruit.
Thirdly,taste the tea. One cup normally just have two swallows. Drink a swallow and keep the tea in your mouth sipping for while to make tougn get full taste of tea. The good tea will be present the feeling of smooth water, lasting aroma. The pleasant taste soothes your throat and jaw.
Make the resteeping time between the two times in right way and in right tempreture. The second and third time make the best taste of tea. Good Ooloong tea has long flavor. So if we control the timing in right way, we can make 6-7 steeping. After the third time, make the water stay in the tea slightly longer, it will be make the taste as good as the original ones.

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