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I remember one Thanksgiving when our family had no money and no food and someone knocked on our door. A man was there with a giant   36  and some other food. The stranger announced “I’m here to help people   37  . Have a great Thanksgiving.”

From then on I promised   38  that someday I would do the same for others. Every Thanksgiving since I was eighteen I would buy enough food   39  like a delivery boy go to the   40  neighborhood and knock on a door. I always   41  a note explaining my Thanksgiving experience as a kid. I have received  42  from it than from any amount of money.


Last Thanksgiving I was in a hotel in New York with my new wife. She was sad because normally she   43  be home decorating the house for Christmas. I said “Why don’t we decorate some   44  today instead of trees?” When I told her what I always did on Thanksgiving she got   45  .

We went down to the street to   46  a van. We has waved to about twenty drivers before one finally   47  . We asked him “Could you take us to a disadvantaged area? We’ll pay you.”

The driver said “You don’t have to 48  me. I’ll take you to places you’ve   49  thought of going.   50  first tell me why you want to do this.”

I told him my story and that I wanted to show gratitude by giving something   51  . We bought food   52  for a troop. Then he took us to the South Bronx where there were half a dozen people living in one room with no electricity or heat in the dead of   53  . It was both an   54  realization that people lived this way and a truly fulfilling experience to make even a small   55  .

36.A.chicken        B.turkey                 C.pig                      D.sheep

37.A.in vain          B.in turn                 C.in return              D.in need

38.A.my wife       B.the stranger         C.myself                D.him

39.A.dress           B.work                   C.look                    D.behave

40.A.poorest        B.nearest                C.nicest                  D.best

41.A.included       B.read                    C.contained            D.took

42.A.much           B.less                     C.fewer                  D.more

43.A.could           B.would                 C.might                  D.must

44.A.hotels           B.lives                    C.streets                 D.houses

45.A.nervous        B.sad                     C.excited                D.worried

46.A.buy              B.make                   C.decorate              D.find

47.A.talked           B.smiled                 C.fled                     D.stopped

48.A.tell               B.stop                    C.ask                     D.pay

49.A.ever             B.never                  C.always                D.sometimes

50.A.Therefore     B.Otherwise            C.Instead                D.But

51.A.up               B.back                   C.in                       D.out

52.A.just              B.right                    C.enough                D.good

53.A.spring          B.summer               C.autumn               D.winter

54.A.astonishing   B.angry                  C.unforgettable       D.unrealistic

55.A.progress       B.meal                    C.difference            D.trip

答案  36.C   37.B  38.C  39.A  40.B  41.B  42.D  43.D  44.A  45.B  46.C  47.C  48.D  49.A  50.B  51.C&nbs...

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