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花送给了她),用英语写个题目为Flowers For A Stranger 100-120个词的博客。
     注意: 1.文章的标题和开头已给出(不计词数)。
     参考词汇:电梯elevator 医院工作人员hospital personnel
                                                           Flowers For A Stranger
     Yesterday Li Yue went to the hospital to visit a friend in the Intensive Care Unit. __________
One possible student version:                                                                 Flowers For A Stranger     Yesterday Li Yue went to the hospital to visit a friend in the Intensive Care Unit. He stopped by the gift shop and got a bunch of flowers to take to him.       The nurse told me he couldn't bring flowers into the ICU so he left them outside feeling really disappointed. After his visit he headed for the elevator. He saw a hospital personnel  leaning up against the wall looking tired and stressed and as though she'd been crying. He asked if she was okay. They chatted for a minute. He handed the flowers to her saying "I think you might need these more than I do right now." He patted her on the shoulder and told her to take care of herself. Her face positively lit up and tears came to her eyes as she thanked me.     I'm so grateful that Li Yue gave that woman a listening ear and support when she needed it. He saw an opportunity for kindness and took action. He has inspired me.

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