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我有一个文本文件 想用替换功能在每行的相同位置加入同样的字符 文件太多了 一个一个弄很费时间
00:00\x05One of our conventions here at lynda.com is that we go ahead and save out
00:03\x05progress files as we move through a project.
00:07\x05That way,if you run into a stumbling block,you can just close one file and
[00:00.00]\x05One of our conventions here at lynda.com is that we go ahead and save out
[00:03.00]\x05progress files as we move through a project.
[00:07.00]\x05That way,if you run into a stumbling block,you can just close one file and
这是一份教程的字幕文件 教程比较多 而且很需要配上字幕 一行一行的加括号和数字很费时间 而且每行添加的是相同的
用软件Replace Pioneer来做,对多文件操作也很容易,详细步骤:
1.打开Tools->Batch Runner菜单
2.把多个待处理文件从windows文件浏览器拖拽到Batch Runner窗口中
* 点击Fast Replace按钮打开Fast Replace窗口
* 点击Add,在Search输入\d\d:\d\d,在replace输入[$&:00],完成后点击ok
3.确认regular exp选项是选中的,点击Start即可.