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驰名商标,也称为知名商标或者周知商标,其中承载着的是商品良好的品质,企业良好的信誉,公众对其充分的认可,驰名商标来之不易,所以我们更应该加强对驰名商标的法律保护,同时随着我国加入世界贸易组织,以及世界经济联系得更加密切,驰名商标的保护作为知识产权保护的一个突出问题越来越受到世界各国关注与瞩目,当前我国在驰名商标的法律保护上仍然与国际法规有较大差距,现行《 商标法》对驰名商标的法律保护范围仍然较窄,力度远远不够.在驰名商标的认定主体、认定方式、认定标准以及驰名商标的特殊法律保护制度等方面,均应在立法上进一步完善.本文从驰名商标的国际保护、和国内保护的角度去探讨驰名商标的立法,法律实践中对驰名商标的保护,以及国内外对驰名商标保护所存在的问题和一些改善的方式.
关键词:国际保护 国内立法 保护的完善
Famous trademark,also be called the well-known trademark perhaps knows to all trademark,among them,what to load be that the merchandise is good good-quality,the business enterprise good prestige,public as to it's full of approve,famous trademark come it not easy,so we should even strengthen to protect the law of the famous trademark,in the meantime along with our country join a WTO,and world economy contact Be getting closer,the protection of famous trademark's ising the outstanding problem of a protective of the intelligent property right is more and more pay attention to by international community and focus attention,current our country in the famous trademark of law protection up still have bigger margin with international laws,current 《 trademark method 》protect scope to the law of famous trademark still more narrow,the strength is far far not enough.The special law protection affirmed corpus,affirmed a way and affirmed standard and famous trademark in the famous trademark system etc.,all should be further perfect on the lawmaking.This text is from the famous trademark of international protection,with the local protective angle inquiry into the lawmaking of famous trademark,the law practice medium to the protection of famous trademarks,and at home and abroad to the way of famous problem and some improvements that trademark exist when protect.
Keyword:International protect the problem that the local lawmaking exist to protect of perfect

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