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Nanyin ,like our traditional poem,is not only the music for mortal world,but also for paradise.
Nanyin can be called the most beautiful sound in the world ,which is as beautiful as a bright pearl shining in the sea of the world culture.
The feelings for Nanyin can be on one hand treated as love for our hometown from a individual perspective,while on the other for our nation
In this regard,Nanyin is same for both home and abroad and has never changed ,for thousands of years.
Nanyin is a living history of Chinese music.
It can be dated back to Jin and Tang Dynasty no matter from the aspect of musical instruments or musical system.
That's why we say ,it will benifit our future generation if we can protect、 inherit and take advantage of it.
I once compared it to "Living fissil of chinese music history".
I mean, there are still tremendous information of the long period of the development of Chinese music kept in it .
Originally,culture is the sediment of history.
Nanyin,whoese history may started from Han and Tang Dynasty to Jin and Tang Dynasty,is also the sediment of music culture.
With high historical statue and precious artist value,Nanyin can be regarded as an important ingredient ofthe beautiful traditional artist culture.
If we can make Nanyin the mark of Quanzhou so as to make everyone regard Nanyin 、traditional opera as the treasure of Chinese traditional artist culture on hearing Quanzhou .
Only if poeple not only from China but also from all over the world are eager to come to Quanzhou to enjoy beautiful Nanyin can we call Quanzhou "The capital of Nanyin"

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