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14.insurance:insurance of the good sold under this contract is to be attested by the buyer and for their account.
15.all bank charces in the buyer country are for his account all amendments charges for the party who caused the amendment.
16.claims,claims about the product quality ,quantity.packing and weight must be supported by full government inspection declaration and S.G.S survey report from the country of loading ,all claims submitted without this certified documents ,shall no be accepted by the seller any claim falling linder the insurance company and not time the seller be help responsible for any risk covered by the insurance policy .
Including any all stated in “force majeure ”it is also understood that the sellers would not be responsible for any duties ,taxes,penalties ,fines or claims ,represented against the insurance policy concerning the transportation,for any the terms and conditions not covered by the insurance policy.
17.force,majeure:the parties are free from any liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill their obligations under the present contract of a result of force majeure circumstances and this circumstances had a direct influence of the fulfilled of obligation under the present contract it is the sellers duty to immediately notify the buyer and veceversa of the beginning and end of thee force majure circumstances that prevent the fulfillment of the contract .
In case force majeure conditions persist for more than 40days the present contract becomes null unless parties agree in written for its extions.
14.保险好被卖根据这个合同将被证实由买家和为他们的帐户.15.所有银行充电在买家国家是为他的帐户所有校正充电为导致校正的党.16.要求,要求关于产品质量,数量.包装和重量必须由充分的政府检查声明和S 支持.G .S 调查...

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